Teacher aide professional learning
A range of courses specifically for teacher aides
Teacher aides directly impact on ākonga reaching their potential, and the hopes, dreams and aspirations of whānau and community being realised. Designed specifically for teacher aides our range of courses will support you throughout your career and help you build your teacher aide competencies.
Do you want to know more about our teacher aide courses?
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Self-paced online courses
Are you looking for an opportunity to build your knowledge and capability further?
Build your skill in working with ākonga who often present with challenging behaviour.
Learn about how to best support ākonga with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder
Build on how you support Māori and Pacific learners who require additional learning support
How to use positive behaviour support to de-escalate challenging behaviour
Strengthen your own use of te reo Māori and tikanga.
Explore how teacher aides make sure that learning is the thing