Learning is the thing: forming learning focused relationships

Explore how teacher aides make sure that learning is the thing

Why this course is relevant for teacher aides

Teacher aides work closely with students, their whanau, teachers, and others. Understanding how to 'keep learning the thing' is an important part of a teacher aide's role.

In this course, you will go through the key ways to form a learning-focused relationship, the difference between a learning-focused relationship and other relationships. You will have practical strategies to use as a teacher aide with the ākonga you support.

What to expect

This is a self-directed online course. You work through it at your own pace.

The online course takes you through the key things you need to know to form positive relationships for learning. You will look at how to make sure that the relationships you have with the ākonga you support, their whanau, and the teacher(s) focus on the main thing - learning.

You will be supported by your facilitator as you work through the online course. They will give you feedback on discussions and can answer any questions.

Learning outcomes

You will:

  • understand what a learning-focused relationship is and the roles teacher aides, teachers, and student in developing relationships most conducive to learning

  • know what a ‘learning-focused’ relationship is and how it is fundamental to quality learning happening.

  • understand the different types of relationships that can exist between teacher aides, teachers and students (that may limit a ‘learning focus’)

  • have practical ways in which teacher aides and teacher can deliberately build a stronger learning focus as partners in learning.

Who this course is for

Teacher aides.

How this course is delivered

This is an online course.

How this course aligns to the Teacher Aide Competencies

This course connects to these competencies:

  • behaviour

  • inclusion

  • learning support

How much time to complete this course

This course will take you about three hours to complete. You can work at your own pace. You have one school term to complete this course.

Your investment

This workshop costs $150 + GST per participant.

Registrations are open

Location: Online

Time: When it suits you