NCEA support

Get ahead of the NCEA change programme so ākonga can succeed

Why focus on NCEA as part of your PLD plan

  • To build collaborative relationships with colleagues within and beyond the school

  • To raise student and teacher knowledge and understanding of the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA)

  • To strengthen teacher knowledge of standards-based assessment

  • To raise student achievement and outcomes

  • Build powerful relationships around understanding NCEA assessment with parents and whānau

  • To analyse and interpret assessment information to inform teaching and learning

  • To guide quality assurance policies and procedures.

How we work with you

We usually start with an analysis of your current practice in relation to the co-requisites and NCEA level 1. This may include:

  • the systems and processes you have established to ascertain readiness

  • your NCEA quality assurance processes

  • school-wide literacy approaches

  • school-wide numeracy processes

  • use of standardised assessment data such as e-asTTle or PAT – how to use this to inform teaching and learning

  • supporting ākonga and kaiako to use formative and summative assessment information

  • engaging whānau with the NCEA changes

  • assessment for learning – ensuring school-wide consistency.

We’d then use the needs analysis to design the PLD. We’d work with you in ways that work best for your school—this could be teacher-only days, staff meetings, working with senior leaders, working with departments, coaching, all while using online, face-to-face, or blended learning approaches.

NCEA literacy and numeracy co-requisites

While the NCEA co-requisites as part of the qualification, we know that the work to support ākonga to be ready for this mahi starts a long time before they hit their qualification years.

You may have ākonga who need additional support to improve their literacy or numeracy skills you may be looking to create school-wide practices, you may need support to assess readiness.

We have team members who have been contracted to the Ministry of Education to support schools and kura in this way. If you're ready manage NCEA co-requisite readiness, we can help.

Why focus on NCEA changes now?

With shifts in the NCEA change programme implementation, it could be too easy wait for the changes to come. The new standards are scheduled to be implemented in 2024 (Level 1), 2028 (Level 2) and 2029 (Level 3).

Good leaders know that implementing new practices takes time. Don't leave supporting your staff, students, and whānau to the last minute.