Principal Advisor support for beginning principals
Support for beginning principals in their first three years in the role
Support for beginning principals in 2025
We have a team of more than 30 principal advisors. They are all experienced school principals who are committed to ensuring all beginning principals/ngā tumuaki succeed. Each advisor works with an allocated group of beginning principals/ngā tumuaki.
The principal advisors’ support is focused principally in the areas of:
leading learning
governance, staff and stakeholder relationships
professional leadership inquiry
school management
We support you to increase your leadership capability as a leader in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The beginning principal/tumuaki is further supported by a regional advisory group in each region. This group brings together representatives from Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga, the Ministry of Education and local principals’ associations to contribute collectively to the development of this regional support.
What does the support involve?
Beginning principals/tumuaki will receive regular support in 2025 as they commence their new leadership role. During this time they will be supported through:
Building their knowledge, understanding and practice in their principal’s role
Bringing effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
Engaging in learning conversations with a trusted principal advisor who will listen, advise, coach and challenge as appropriate
Connecting to networks of colleagues and further support within the system and wider sector
Engaging with key leadership resources that reflect leadership within Aotearoa New Zealand
Developing and actioning personal professional learning goals
Appointed to your first principal role. What should you do?
Please contact us at so that we can welcome you to the community of beginning principals.
Click to download - Guided and Targeted Service 2025
What if I have other questions?
If you have any other questions about our support for beginning principals please don't hesitate to contact us at
Our impact
Since 2017, we have supported over 1500 beginning principals and tumuaki. Overwhelmingly, we receive high satisfaction ratings for our support.