Local curriculum design PLD
Professional support to design a curriculum that works for your learners.
Why focus on local curriculum as part of your PLD plan
Great learning happens when a school or kāhui ako curriculum both meets the aspirations of mana whenua, whānau, parents, learners, teachers and the community, and the entitlements of the New Zealand Curriculum.
How we work with you
Each school and kāhui ako is at a different stage in developing their local curriculum. We scope the current situation with the school’s local curriculum and then plan a way forward. Support may include conducting a curriculum review, facilitating consultation with different groups, engaging teachers in professional learning, and evaluating the effectiveness of changes to the local curriculum.
Developing a local curriculum involves:
investigating where the school or kāhui ako is currently positioned in relation to the aspirations of mana whenua, whānau, parents, learners, teachers, the community and the entitlements of New Zealand Curriculum
designing a local curriculum through collaboration with key groups
engaging with the refresh of the New Zealand Curriculum and what this means for your school or kāhui ako
actioning the design, including professional learning and development for teachers
evaluating the impact of the actions on achieving aspirations for learners.