Māori-medium PLD
Support for kaiako, kaiārahi, and tumuaki to enhance their use of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa.
Why consider professional learning?
A focus on improving outcomes for ākonga across your kura will allow you to:
consolidate mātauranga Māori
work together with colleagues within and beyond the kura
build strong ties with whānau, hapū and iwi
support kaiako in-class to assess their teaching practice
identify effective aromatawai approaches to address underachievement, and support ākonga and their whānau.
learn more about standards-based assessment
foster leadership among your kaiārahi.
What do we focus on?
Mātauranga Māori as the foundation of teaching and learning.
Integrating te reo Māori and tikanga into all aspects of learning.
Modelling mentoring conversations for kaiārahi, to support kaiako.
Staff workshops on aromatawai, marau ā-kura and how ākonga can help build learning pathways.
Applying the ākonga and kaiako capabilities as expressed through Te Poupaka Āheinga mā te Kaiako me te Ākonga.
Using standards-based assessment in your kura.
Strengthening ties among kaiako, ākonga, whānau, hapū and iwi.

How we work with you
leadership team: use inquiry to examine needs
strategic planning
teacher-only days
working with individual kaiako
consultation with whānau, hapū and iwi
capturing ākonga voice
We promote strong relationships with the kura, kaiako, ākonga, whānau, hapū and iwi. We are guided by the following values:
Whakarongo kia mārama
Pono me te tika.
We honour the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and acknowledge the tikanga, kawa and knowledge of mana whenua.
- Responsive No two kura are the same. With you, we’ll plan professional learning that suits your needs and budget.
- Inquiry driven We use a pakirehua approach to improve teachers’ capability.
- Solid feedback All our consultants are trained in practice analysis conversations and Leading by Learning. A hallmark is high-quality observations and feedback, which bring about real change in the classroom.
- Video coaching and feedback We offer online video coaching and practice analysis conversations for both kaiārahi and kaiako.
- Informed by research and practice We draw on our knowledge of educational policy and practice. Key documents include Tatāiako, Tapasā, and the Ministry of Education’s Learning Support Action Plan 2019-2025 https://hepikorua.education.govt.nz/our-story/#lsap07
- Evaluative We devise markers of success, to track progress.