Dual-medium PLD

Grow learning environments where ākonga can be successful as Māori.

Professional learning designed for dual-medium settings

The needs of educators in dual-medium settings are diverse. Kaiako and ākonga navigate the complexity of two world views – te Ao Māori and te Ao Pakeha. Seeking additional support for kaiako in dual-medium settings and the leaders who support them can increase the success of bilingual ākonga and strengthen the rumaki.

What might dual-medium professional learning focus on?

Support your rumaki or Māori-medium unit could include:

  • working alongside kaiārahi and kaiako to identify strengths and areas of required support

  • co-constructing an improvement plan

  • capability improvement

  • partnerships for learning

  • implementing Māori-centric pedagogy

  • evaluative capability focused on progress

  • embedding effective aromatawai, o te ako, mo te ako, knowledge and practice

  • building knowledge of Te Marautanga o Aotearoa, marau-ā-kura and supporting marau resources.

“Whaea Harata has high level expertise in all facets of Māori education including but not limited to a depth of knowledge and passion in Te Reo Māori. She knows how to establish meaningful relationships, with students, staff, whānau and the wider community. She has the ability to influence culturally responsive learning experiences. She is the support required for us moving forward.”

Alice Wilson
Deputy Principal, Marlborough Girls College

For more information