Tārai Kura

Shaping a treasured space of learning.

Tārai Kura fosters ākonga-centred learning environments where ākonga, whānau, communities, and mana whenua lead learning opportunities in ways that honour the wairua of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

It is about collaboratively working together to shape the new kura and having all those linked to the project participate in the process.

Tārai means to shape something into whatever it is going to become. An adze or a similar tool shapes the object (usually made of wood). Kura has a dual meaning: “school” or “treasured possession”.

Tārai Kura sets out to shape the kura’s full potential, to render it a place of powerful and wonderful learning for tamariki attending now and for mokopuna who will join in the future.

The goal, the partnerships

The goal of Tārai Kura is to support kura, schools, staff, boards of trustees, proprietors, and communities to create a learning-environment-design that protects local identity and culture and that upholds the contexts in which the curriculum will be delivered.

Partnering with local iwi and whānau, Tārai Kura engages with all parties to provide a quality education. Through a collaborative process, it supports the co-creation of an inclusive and future-focused marau mātauranga and curriculum.

The foundation

The foundation of our service is the narrative of carvers who realise, rather than create, their work and who draw on a wealth of tools, knowledge, and experience. Without the understanding the whakapapa, the tools are useless.

In the same way, Tārai Kura needs to realise and understand. Essential to Tārai Kura’s work is knowing the whakapapa of all those who will be impacted by the mahi.

Understanding the values of the tamariki and their whānau, the board, the tumuaki, kaiako, and the wider community will shape the mahi. Tārai Kura will guide its direction.

Tārai Kura is based on the idea that those involved in the mahi will contribute to the design of and use of the space. They will progress in a way that meets the needs, values, and aspirations of the boards of trustees, tumuaki, kaiako, tamariki and their whānau, and mana whenua.

Ka aha a Tārai Kura?

What can you expect from Tārai Kura?

Tārai Kura offers the following opportunities for you, your school, and your community.

  • Support for navigating the process for a new school build.

  • Guidance and support to grow your relationships with mana whenua.

  • Strategies, ideas, and models to direct visioning, curriculum aspirations, and engagement of staff, ākonga, and whānau.

  • Access to resources from a wide network of experiences.

  • Opportunities to connect with other boards of trustees and tumuaki who have been through or are currently going through the build process.

  • Opportunities to share your journey of ongoing learning, celebration, and collaboration.

He aha tā Tārai Kura?

How does Tārai Kura work?

The programme is available for new-build schools. Your local Ministry of Education Advisor can connect you with the Tārai Kura team.

Ringa Whao

The Ringa Whao, a guide to support your journey, are skilled listeners and facilitators who can connect you to the other pieces of the Tārai Kura suite of opportunities.

A Ringa Whao will be allocated to your school. They will provide one-to-one guided support based on the needs of your Board, school, and community.

An ongoing contact throughout the build process and beyond, Ringa Whao will tautoko you throughout the preparation of your new, fit-for-future-learning-needs school.

Te pito mata – Realising and unlocking the untapped potential

Tārai Kura identifies your school’s or kura’s needs for the build and makes sure you can participate in the build and post-build occupation processes.

Realising the untapped potential includes tailoring development opportunities and securing sustainable connections that foster learning and shared practice in and between schools, kura, and communities.

Aspects that could be part of the shared practice are codesign, collaboration, collective inquiry, and reflection. Examples of how the connection will occur include webinars, forums, workshops, communities of practice, roadshows, school visits, and tours.

In addition, you can access the Tārai Kura resource bank of stories, online resources, and kete on specific topics. Consider contributing to the resource bank – highlight your own examples of effective, transformational, and innovative practice.

Ko wai mātau?

Who are we?

Tārai Kura is an alliance of four partners:

  • CORE Education

  • Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga

  • Leadership Lab

  • Tātai Angitu: Massey University.

Together, we work alongside the Ministry of Education to support the build process at your school. You benefit from this partnership as you receive the collective knowledge of the whole group.

Ingrained in our mahi is supporting Te Tiriti and connecting with mana whenua of your specific region.

Skilled local kaitiaki who walk alongside your board and staff, who listen, and who help navigate your unique pathway make up our team.

Contact Steve to learn more

Get in touch with our team now
