Innovative learning – support for leaders
Move from working in isolation to working collaboratively, focused on 21st-century skills.
Why seek support with leading innovation?
You may be remodelling or a new build. Your role as a leader is integral to implementing innovative learning. You must bring staff and the community with you if your innovative approach is going to work.
What this support involves
We provide tailored support to help leaders:
- involve manawhenua and whānau
- build flexible and collaborative leadership, teaching and learning practices
- design local curriculum and marau ā-kura
- integrate digital fluency
- ensure buildings, equipment and technologies extend the boundaries of your kura and schools.
Innovative learning practices can be implemented in older buildings. It just needs a bit more thinking to figure out how to maximise ākonga and kaiako collaboration when you have single-cell spaces
How we work with you
Expect us to:
- be highly experienced professionals with strong education backgrounds
- use a strengths-based theory for improvement
- provide tailored support
- think laterally
- share new ideas and research
- model practical application in classrooms
- focus on problem-solving approaches.