Scott Wolfe

PLD Consultant

Scott is an education consultant based in Christchurch. He works with schools in the following areas:

  • assessment for learning

  • assessment tools, data and evidence based-analysis

  • curriculum and assessment design

  • culturally responsive and inclusive pedagogy

  • teaching as Inquiry for accelerating learning

  • leadership – coaching and mentoring leaders and leadership teams

  • literacy and English Language Learners (culturally and linguistically diverse learners)

  • accredited Ministry of Education facilitator of mathematics and structured literacy approaches.

Scott is an experienced consultant who has been delivering MOE regionally allocated professional learning for a number of years. He tailors professional learning support to the needs of the schools. Prior to joining Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga, Scott worked as a literacy and English language learner facilitator, was a regional leader in the Accelerating Learning in Literacy programme for students (ALL), and was an assessment facilitator across Te Waipounamu. He recently worked as a Provisionally Certificated Teacher mentor across the country.

Scott activates change by using evidence-based inquiry when he supports teachers and school leaders. He enables leaders and teachers to use evidence to inform practice and improve learning and place learners and learning at the centre. Scott has extended this practice in his work with Kāhui Ako leaders and teachers to develop learning communities. Through his facilitation, he supported the communities to design culturally responsive and inclusive learning experiences that meet the needs of all ākonga.

Scott has a deep knowledge of the New Zealand Curriculum and the ways that schools develop their own local curriculum. This knowledge means Scott can advise on and facilitate future-focused learning design. He is passionate about high-quality literacy learning for ākonga across all curriculum learning areas. Scott brings both a strong theoretical knowledge of effective pedagogy and how to apply it in practice.

His qualifications include a Bachelor of Education, Diploma in Teaching and Practising Teacher Certificate. Scott is the current Canterbury delegate on the New Zealand Literacy Association (NZLA).

In his spare time, Scott enjoys time with family and friends, mountain biking, photography, and exploring New Zealand, and the world.