Lynette Hay

PLD Consultant

Based in Auckland, Lynette is an education consultant working with schools and Kāhui Ako in the following areas: 

  • cultural responsiveness 

  • assessment for learning 

  • local curriculum design 

  • coaching and mentoring 

  • digital technologies, computer science, and digital fluency 

  • assessment and evaluation (e-asTTle) 

  • NCEA Literacy and Numeracy co-requisites

  • accredited Ministry of Education facilitator of mathematics.

With over 20 years of experience in primary, secondary, and tertiary education, Lynette has taught a wide range of subjects and students, holding numerous leadership roles, including Across School Kāhui Ako Lead Teacher. 

A significant part of Lynette's career has focused on working with tagata Pasifika, and she is passionate about empowering them to not only succeed but also lead in learning and life. 

Lynette has also developed expertise in digital learning technologies, blending her love of tech with her commitment to Pacific Peoples. In 2013, she earned a Masters in Education, evaluating the impact of large-scale digital technology implementation on the Niue education community. In 2020, she completed a Masters in Contemporary Education, focusing on how cultural narratives behind digital content influence teachers' culturally responsive practices, particularly with Pasifika learners. 

Outside of work, Lynette enjoys honing her photography skills and competing with her husband to catch the biggest fish!