Kaye Brunton
Kaye works as an education consultant throughout the Central South region and is based in Wellington. She works with schools in the following areas:
assessment for learning
mentoring and coaching school leaders and leadership teams
teaching as inquiry
principal appraisal
innovative (modern) learning practices
curriculum and learning as inquiry
accredited Ministry of Education facilitator of mathematics and structured literacy approaches.
Kaye has a wealth of expertise and experience in facilitating professional learning. She has worked as a leadership and assessment facilitator, and prior to this she facilitated assessment for learning PLD. Her work in the area has given her extensive knowledge and a wide range of practical skills in all aspects of effective pedagogy. Having come from recent principalship, Kaye has a deep appreciation of the complex nature of the role of the principal. Having also been a Kāhui Ako lead principal, Kaye is knowledgeable in the opportunities and challenges of working in this space.
Kaye has great skills in supporting schools with high levels of underachievement to develop evidence informed inquiry to drive change. She works effectively with leaders to improve learning outcomes for students through inquiring into their leadership capability, and through principal appraisal. She is skilled at developing learning communities within and across schools.
Kaye has recently been a member of the Position Paper: Assessment Contributors Group involved in refreshing the Ministry of Education’s position on assessment. Kaye is also on the executive of the New Zealand Assessment Institute.
Kaye has deep knowledge of leadership, curriculum development, and her particular curriculum strengths are in literacy. She has expertise in building effective teams, and coaching teachers and leaders.
In her spare time Kaye loves to be with her family; walking with her dogs near the sea; cooking, baking and crafting; and exploring new places. She keeps fit through walking, and generally being outdoors.