Garry Taylor
Garry works as an education consultant out of our Christchurch office. He works with schools in the following areas:
assessment for learning
curriculum and assessment development
data analysis
National standards including Overall Teacher Judgments
teaching as inquiry
assessment tools
practice analysis
supporting and growing leaders and middle leaders.
Garry is a very experienced facilitator of professional learning. He has worked as a leadership and assessment facilitator for a number of years. Prior to that he worked as an Assess to Learn facilitator for six years and an e-learning facilitator for four years.
Garry leads the e-asTTle support contract which Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga has held for a number of years. He has been a facilitator for e-asTTle since 2005 and has considerable expertise in all aspects of this tool. He has been the project leader for the OTJ workshops throughout the country through his expertise in National Standards, Overall Teacher Judgments and the Progress and Consistency Tool (PaCT).
Garry’s many years of work within the Assess to Learn (AtoL) and Leadership and Assessment contracts means he has a passion for utilising assessment for learning principles within the classroom. These principles, with good analysis and use of quality data and deep content knowledge, are what he sees as key factors in determining high quality learning.
Garry is married and the father of two young boys. He loves playing football, fly fishing, mountain biking and boating with them.
Here are some of the schools Garry has worked with recently:
Kaiapoi Borough School
Waiau School
Rolleston Christian School
South Hornby School
Here are some blog posts that Garry has written to share her thinking with the education sector:
Garry offers 8 tips to help you get the best out of e-asTTle script marking in the most efficient and professional way possible.
Have a think about the last time you deliberately had to learn something. What did you do to help you learn? What helped? What was most useful?
There are a number of reasons why your choice of e-asTTle prompt is important. I have outlined 9 of these below. I know from my work with schools that many of you do have questions regarding this assessment tool.