Doreen Bailey

Kaiwhakangungu Ngaiotanga/PLD Consultant

Ko Taumarere te awa 

Ko Tapuiwharawhara te maunga 

Ko Puketohunoa te pā 

Ko Te Karetu te marae 

Ko Ngāti Manu te hapū 

Ko Pomare II te tupuna 

Ko Tuhourangi me Te Aupouri ngā iwi hoki 

Doreen is an education consultant at Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga. Doreen takes a holistic approach in her work and is successful at bringing others on board in the co-design of solutions. 

Doreen has expertise and experience in the following areas: 

  • raising Māori achievement and developing cultural capability 

  • supporting bilingual units 

  • using data effectively 

  • teaching as inquiry 

  • developing safe learning communities 

  • mentoring school leadership teams 

  • literacy development. 

Doreen leads our Niho Taniwha team to support schools and Kāhui Ako to strengthen their cultural capability through workshops, online courses and in-depth professional learning. 

Believing that magic happens in the classroom and that strong positive relationships are key between ākonga and kaiako, Doreen has been able to effect change and create safe spaces for ākonga and kaiako to learn.  She maintains that working to support whānau, hapū and iwi aspirations is critical whilst maintaining the mana of all involved. 

Doreen has taught in primary, intermediate and secondary schools - a career highlight being Tumuaki at Te Kura Takiwa o Taipā (Taipā Area School) bringing about major positive transformation in all areas of the school. She supported fellow principals as Chair of the Far North Principals’ Association and was the interim lead for the Kāhui Tai Kura o te Hiku (Kāhui Ako).  

Doreen lives between Rotorua and Kororāreka, and enjoys her mokopuna, arts and crafts, waka ama and you can regularly find her on the tennis court. 

Here is the blog post that Doreen has written to share her thinking with the education sector: 

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