Deirdre McCracken

PLD Consultant - Team Leader

Ko Tekoa te maunga

Ko Hurunui te awa

Nō Hawarden ahau, Waitaha ki te raki  

Kei Rangiora ahau, ko tōku kāinga ināianei

E mihi ana ki ngā tohu o nehe o Kai Tahu e nehe nei au


Deirdre is an education consultant and facilitation team leader based in Ōtautahi Christchurch. She offers schools supports with the following:

  • leadership growth and team effectiveness

  • effective communication through Joan Dalton’s Learning Talk books

  • change management using strategic planning and systems review

  • science and chemistry education

  • collaborative inquiry into teaching and learning

  • professional growth cycles

  • observations for learning and practice analysis conversations

  • assessment for learning pedagogy to promote ākonga agency

  • evaluative capability

  • evidence informed decision-making

  • student achievement and impact data analysis

  • strengths-based departmental reviews

  • facilitation of high impact learning through quality learning design – both online and face to face.

She is an accredited PLD and Leading Adult Learning facilitator who has experience and expertise in facilitating professional learning and development with leaders and teachers in secondary, area, intermediate and primary schools, and kāhui ako. Prior to this role she held a position as head of the science faculty in a large secondary school, specialising in leading science and chemistry, sports coaching, and school-wide professional learning.

Deirdre has a strength in and a passion for supporting leaders to further develop their leadership to improve ākonga achievement and reduce disparity. This has led her to complete a postgraduate diploma in Educational Leadership with the University of Auckland. She has also spent considerable time developing her expertise in learning conversations and interpersonal effectiveness through the work of Joan Dalton.

In her spare time Deirdre delights in the pleasures of being with whānau and friends, taking long walks, gardening, and cooking. Often this with her husband and two adult children. She also enjoys tripping around the countryside with him here in Aotearoa and overseas.

Here are some blog posts that Deirdre has written to share her thinking with the education sector:

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