Claire Fyfe
Claire is a content writer and editor in our publications team, currently working for Te Kete Ipurangi (TKI) suites of websites.
Claire has expertise in the following areas:
literacy across the curriculum
Science and Biology education
integrated curriculum experience
collaborative teaching and learning
teaching as inquiry
Assessment for learning.
As well as having recent experience as a PLD facilitator, Claire has a strong background in secondary Science and Biology with 11 years of successful classroom teaching experience in a large secondary school.
Her recent facilitation experience has enabled Claire to work with teachers and leaders to implement Assessment for learning into their teaching and learning programmes, mentoring, coaching teachers to lead professional growth cycles and helping prepare schools for the literacy and numeracy co-requisite standards.
She is currently supporting the TKI suite of websites, working with the Ministry of Education to ensure these valuable sites stay as up to date as possible.
In her spare time, Claire is kept busy by her 2 young boys. She loves to read, run and spend time with friends and family.