Brendan Wright

Principal Advisor

Tēnā rā koutou

Nō Aerani, Nō Wiwi ōku tīpuna

I tipu mai ahau i Aotearoa

Ko Te Ahu Pātiki te mauka e rū nei tāku ngākau

Ko Whakaraupō te moana e mahea nei aku māharahara

Ko Te Waipapa tōku kainga

Nō Otautahi ahau

Ko Kai Tahu te iwi whakaruruhau

Ko Nicci tōku hoa rangatira

Tokorua ngā tamariki,

Ko ahau te tumuaki o te kura o Ōhinehou i mua

Ko Wright tōku ingoa whānau

Ko Brendan ahau

Mā te huruhuru, ka rere te manu,

Nō reira, ngā mihi, tenā koutou katoa

Brendan is a principal advisor in Canterbury.

Brendan has joined Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga after 27 years in education, thirteen as a tumuaki of two schools, most recently at Lyttelton Primary School following a school merger and rebuild.

Brendan is an ICF (International Coach Federation) trained executive and organisational coach with experience coaching and mentoring new principals, deputy principals and others outside of education. As the lead principal and co-lead principal for Aupaki Kāhui Ako, Brendan has worked to strengthen collaborative practice between schools and build reciprocal relationships with iwi as an active Tiriti partner.

Brendan brings strength in school leadership and governance and advocates for involving mana whenua in local curriculum development to ensure culturally sustaining teaching and learning practice.

He lives in Te Waipapa/Diamond Harbour with his wife Nicci, two children, two dogs and a rescued turtle. Brendan enjoys having adventures in the mountains and outdoors of New Zealand along with playing the guitar, mountain biking and spending time with family.