Our impact

It is important for us to know that our work makes a difference, and can continue after we leave.

Rather than short-term fixes, we’re after long-term impact.

We strongly believe in using data and evidence to:

  • inform leadership, teaching and learning

  • evaluate our work in the education sector.

All our support is founded on monitoring effectiveness.

We have to have a demonstrable impact on ākonga/learner achievement. This is one of our markers of success. Across all of our work, we focus on evaluating our impact on raising achievement and reducing disparity.

Knowing we are making a difference is important to us. We pride ourselves on getting results for the people we work with.

In any given year we support more than half of all education settings in Aotearoa New Zealand. Since 2017, we’ve worked in over 1550 kura, schools, and Kāhui Ako across the country.

We aim to raise ākonga/learner achievement and reduce disparity. This is how we know we are.

  • 85% of kura and schools we worked with made accelerated progress for ākonga/learners.

  • 27% of Māori and 31% of Pacific learners made more than a year’s progress in learning.

  • 40% of educators agreed and 59% strongly agreed that the course they attended would have a direct impact on their teaching or leadership.

Case studies of our impact

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