ERO’s Making it count: teaching maths in years 1-3
By Heather Lewis on March 14, 2024 in Curriculum
Discover Heather's insights on the ERO's latest report and explore the perspective on enhancing early years mathematics in this blog post.
ERO’s recent publication, “Making it Count: Teaching Maths in Years 1-3”, provides an excellent, evidence-based summary of the aspirations for quality teaching and learning of mathematics in Aotearoa. The report highlights the huge influence kaiako make during the first years of schooling, shaping ākonga foundational understanding and confidence in maths. This report amalgamates research and real-life anecdotes to illustrate pathways for kaiako to enhance their maths teaching.
Early years maths learning is vital, as it sets the stage for academic success and lifelong learning. However, challenges persist, with not all students and teachers exhibiting the confidence in maths. Addressing these challenges requires improving the quality of early mathematics learning. Effective maths learning requires teachers to be confident in their maths proficiency and well-versed in evidence-based teaching methods. Schools play a crucial role in fostering a culture that values high-quality maths curriculum design.
At Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga our mathematics facilitators believe that ākonga experience intrinsic pleasure and fulfilment through persistence, problem-solving, pattern recognition, and discovering the elegance inherent in mathematics and statistics.
We have successfully worked alongside kaiako and tumuaki in kura to develop and embed the two enablers ERO highlight in their report:
What is important for teachers to know about maths, and
How school culture and curriculum can support effective maths practice.
In order for ākonga to develop deep understandings, kaiako benefit from collaborative planning with a focus on the progression of key concepts, and the development of connected and authentic experiences. Building teachers’ mathematics content knowledge increases their confidence to teach and enhance their practice. We support the use of assessment for learning practices, as well as using quality assessment to inform teaching. All school staff need to have a strong sense of collective efficacy and be committed to the growth of all ākonga.
Through varied approaches, we can support kaiako to be reflective on their practice and to ensure your ākonga are being provided with the opportunities they need, to thrive in mathematics.
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