Teaching ākonga with diverse needs

Unlock your potential with our one-day workshop designed to help you build your knowledge and enhance your capabilities.

No two ākonga are the same. Each carries their own mauri, essential spark, and unlimited promise. The ākonga you work with, or on behalf of, are unique, have their own capabilities and their own challenges. As a learning support co-ordinator (LSC) you know this better than most. You also know that a ‘one size fits one’ approach is the most effective way to help your ākonga succeed. Sometimes, this seems easier said, than done!

We recognise the challenges that LSCs, Special Education Needs Coordinators (SENCos), and school leaders responsible for learning support across schools, face in their daily work.

With this in mind, we have developed a bespoke workshop specifically for you, to enhance the skills you already have and grow your capability even further.

How will we do this?

Our interactive course will:

  • build your knowledge and understanding of conditions and diagnoses you currently work with

  • introduce you to characteristics and environmental triggers which can escalate behaviour

  • increase your awareness of te ao Māori view of disability and the wellbeing (hauora) model, Te Whare Tapa Whā

  • provide you with the tools to help teachers help ākonga to succeed, ‘as Māori’

  • enhance your capabilities, with 10 Top Tips for creating inclusive classrooms

  • strengthen your ability to develop teamwork and collaborative partnership skills

  • deepen your knowledge of learning and behaviour support strategies, to meet individual ākonga need.

During the course

Pivotal to the course is learning how to analyse a learning and behaviour challenge, and use this analysis to create a Positive Behaviour Support Plan that can be shared with staff at your school. We will begin this session by discussing our own attitudes and tolerances to behaviour, as these can vary markedly, depending on our own teaching, and life experiences.

We’ll then brainstorm practical strategies for bringing about positive behaviour change, taking into account the strengths, abilities, wellbeing, learning, social and behavioural needs of your learner.

The workshops are supportive, collegial, and engaging. You’ll build professional networks and work closely together throughout the day. The connections you make will likely be lasting.

On completion of our day together, you’ll be offered 30 minutes of individual mentoring, an opportunity to discuss progress, outcomes, and to share your successes or challenges.  We’ll also meet as a group, so that all participants can share their experiences.

This is an essential part of the learning. It enables a review and evaluation of the approaches that you’ve learned in the workshop, and provides the opportunity for you to consider deeper learning you might like to investigate further, in a second follow-up workshop.

Who is this workshop for?

Learning Support Coordinators and teachers. Senior leaders, SENCos and therapists who work collaboratively with LSCs, will also find this workshop extremely valuable.

Your investment

Registrations are $410 + GST per person.

09 Apr 2024

Location: Auckland

Time: 9:30 am to 3:30 pm

Venue: Evaluation Associates, Level 3, 19 Morgan St, Newmarket