Peter Mitchener

Principal Advisor

Tēnā koe

E ngā hoa ako, tēnā koutou

Nō  Airana me, Ingarangi, ōku tīpuna

I tae mai ōku tīpuna ki Aotearoa i te tau 1800

I tipu ake au ki Whakatu

E noho ana mātou ki Waimea

Ko Waimeha te awa e mahea nei aku māharahara

Ka mihi au ki ngā tohu o te rohe nei

Ko tēnei taku mihi hoki ki ngā tāngata whenua

Ko Pete Mitchener tōku ingoa whanau

No reira, tena koutou katoa


Pete Mitchener is a principal advisor, working with beginning principals across Te Tau Ihu, top of the South Island.

Pete has joined the Evaluation Associates | Te Huinga Kākākura Mātauranga team with 30 years experience in education and 20 years of experience as a tumuaki across three kura. Most recently, Pete had the privilege of leading Broadgreen Intermediate for the past six years, and before that, Stoke School for ten years. His first principalship was at Tinui in the Wairarapa. He has mentored many beginning principals, was part of the leadership team of the Omaio Tahunanui Kahui Ako and was the chairperson of the establishment board for Te Temu, a managed moves pilot scheme in the wider Nelson region.

Pete strongly advocates strengthening whānau and iwi connections in kura and implementing cultural narratives into their local curriculum. Pete thrives on establishing and maintaining connections in education.

He lives in Nelson with his wife, Jackie, and has three children. Pete grew up in Nelson, enjoys playing music and thrives on the lifestyle that Nelson offers.