Grant Watson

Principal Advisor

Grant is a principal advisor, working with beginning principals across the Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast regions.

Grant has over 40 years of experience in teaching, all in schools in the Nelson/Tasman region. He recently retired from Upper Moutere School, having been principal there for 18 years. He has worked in both larger urban schools and smaller rural schools, many of those years spent in leadership roles, including the co-leadership role for the Kahui Ako ki Motueka where he guided the initial establishment. Grant has also been both a mentor for beginning principals and an appraiser of more experienced principals.

More recently Grant has been in a leadership partner role, working alongside an evaluation partner in the Education Review Office where he visited a variety of schools in the Central and wider Otago region.

Grant and his wife, Raewyn enjoy a rural lifestyle in Appleby surrounded by horses, deer, cattle and vineyards but without the stress and responsibility as these are all owned by their various neighbours! They have three adult children living in Christchurch, Nelson and London. Grant enjoys being creative, gardening, travel and riding the various cycle trails locally and nationally on his e-bike.